
Image HTML Code

Hey guys , would you like to post your stored image on your page , here is the html code for image.

To use your image in your webpage , the image which is stored on other page or server , just copy and paste the following code and change the highlited color with your own choice.

<img src="Image link goes here " alt="image name for google search robot" style="float:right; width:auto;height:35px;margin-right:20px;img-align: center; margin-top: 5px;margin-bottom:5px;" />

To use image as a link on your webpage just copy and paste the following code and change the yellow highlighted color with your own choice.

<a href="Target Webpage Link goes here "><img src="Image Link goes here" alt="image name for google search robot" style=" float:right; width:auto;height:35px;margin-right:30px;margin-top: 5px;margin-bottom: 5px;" /></a>

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